International Students
New overseas drivers licence holders need to check with road transport to determine whether they qualify to apply for an Australian driver's licence without a test. If they do not qualify they need to apply to Department of Transport for a learner’s permit, normal standard procedures apply. A learner's written test is needed to obtain a permit.
International drivers licence holders are allowed to drive on the road until their allotted time expires. They can however apply for an Australian driving licence in this time.
When they apply they will be issued with a permit (section 80) which allows them 4 weeks to complete Vehicle On Road Test (VORT) for their driver’s licence.
If retraining is needed, it is advised that the entire retraining takes place before a section 80 permit is issued. This allows ample time to be tested within the 4 weeks that follow. The minimum time needed to cover all maneuvers in preparation for a VORT driving test is 2 hours. The average time required to train a student for a VORT test depends on the skill level of the student.